Telehealth is healthcare provided by any means other than a face-to-face visit. In telehealth services, medical and mental health information is used for diagnosis, consultation, treatment, therapy, follow-up, and education. Health information is exchanged interactively from one site to another through electronic communications. Telephone consultation, videoconferencing, transmission of still images, e-health technologies, patient portals, and remote patient monitoring are all considered telehealth services.

  • Telehealth involves the communication of your medical/mental health information in an electronic or technology-assisted format.
  • Telehealth billing information is collected in the same manner as a regular office visit. Your financial responsibility will be determined individually and governed by your insurance carrier(s), Medicare, or Medicaid, and it is your responsibility to check with your insurance plan to determine coverage.
  • All electronic medical communications carry some level of risk. While the likelihood of risks associated with the use of telehealth in a secure environment is reduced, the risks are nonetheless real and important to understand. These risks include but are not limited to:
    • It is easier for electronic communication to be forwarded, intercepted, or even changed without your knowledge and despite taking reasonable measures.
    • Electronic systems that are accessed by employers, friends, or others are not secure and should be avoided. It is important for you to use a secure network.
    • Despite reasonable efforts on the part of your health care provider, the transmission of medical information could be disrupted or distorted by technical failure.
  • Exchanged information during your telehealth visit will be maintained by the doctors, other healthcare providers, and healthcare facilities involved in your care.
  • Medical Information, including medical records, is governed by federal and state laws that apply to telehealth. This includes your right to access your own medical records ( and copies of medical records).
  • You must take reasonable steps to protect yourself from unauthorized use of your electronic communications by others.
  • Your healthcare provider is not responsible for breaches of confidentiality caused by an independent third party or by yourself.
  • A medical evaluation via telehealth may limit your healthcare provider’s ability to fully diagnose a condition or disease. As the patient, you agree to accept responsibility for following your healthcare provider’s recommendations – including further diagnostic testing, such as lab testing, a biopsy, or an in-office visit.
  • Electronic communication may be used to communicate highly sensitive medical information, such as treatment for or information related to HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, or addiction treatment (alcohol, drugs, dependence, etc.).
  • There is never a warranty or guarantee as to a particular result or outcome related to a condition or diagnosis when medical care is provided.
  • Electronic communication should never be used for emergency communications or urgent requests. Emergency communication should be made to the provider’s office or to the existing emergency 911 services in your community.
  • Due to recent changes in insurance coverage, there will be a fee charged for all Telemedicine services.